Home DestinationTravel Planning Holiday Advice for Babies And Toddlers

Holiday Advice for Babies And Toddlers

by Holiday Yellowpages

Holiday Advice for Babies

Holiday Advice for Babies And Toddlers: When planning a family holiday, particularly with very young children, it can be a bit of a challenge. While we might have an initial dread of taking a baby on holiday, it’s actually a bit easier than taking a toddler. Once they get mobile, there’s a lot more activity to keep an eye on!

Here are a few tips to bear in mind when travelling with your little ones in tow.

Preparing To Fly

Going on holiday in smaller countries like the UK with babies and toddlers means you’re unlikely to need to catch flights. If you’re going overseas or crossing larger areas, a plane flight is something you’ll need to prepare for.

The first thing to check is if your baby is cleared to fly. It is advised that an infant would need to be, at the very least, 8 weeks old before they’re allowed to fly. Consult with your doctor first, especially if your baby has been ill, or was born prematurely.

It’s now mandatory for all travelers to have passports. That includes young children and babies. You’ll also need to have a photo taken that meets specific criteria. No one else must appear in the photo, which means you can’t support the baby in shot. Their eyes must also be open. This is very hard to achieve in a photo booth, so many people prefer to use a professional photographer. It might seem costly to get a child’s passport photo initially, but worth it to avoid delays at passport control, or worse, refusal to fly.

Mind Your Baggage

Packing for your holiday can already be difficult, but there’s so much more to juggle with very young children. Especially when it comes to changes of clothing, nappies and all the gubbins that comes with them. Before long, your car, or your travel allowance will be completely taken over by nappy changing stuff.

While some parents decide on buying disposable nappies while on holiday to avoid carrying too much, there are other alternatives. Reusable nappies are growing in popularity, mainly because they’re not as difficult to change anymore.

Real nappy brands such as FuzziBunz and Bumgenius cotton nappies produce convenient reusable. If you have access to washing facilities on holiday (always a good idea when travelling with the family), then you’ll only need a handful of nappies instead of bags and bags of reusable.

Hopefully, this has helped to make life a little easier for when you travel with babies or toddlers, but it’s always worth getting extra advice from your travel agent too. And don’t forget your travel insurance!

Mike is a new dad, blogging about his new arrival. Hope you love reading “Holiday Advice for Babies And Toddlers”. Share your view in the comment section below.

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