If you’re thinking of moving abroad it is a big step you’ll need to have given some serious consideration. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having a beach villa and now that the kids are all grown up and your savings pot is doing nicely you might feel that now is the perfect time to sell your home and make your dream come true. Perhaps you have a young family and want to move to another country whilst they are still young enough to learn the language and get used to the culture or you or your partner would like to take a job abroad and are planning on leaving your old jobs behind. Sometimes it’s as simple as wanting some sunshine and a new beginning!
Image source Flickr by A Broader View Volunteers Corp
Whatever your reasons are for moving abroad there are some things you’ll need to take care of at home. Firstly you’ll either have to sell your current home or rent it out to family, friends or lodgers which will pay your mortgage for you. If your home is a good sized house with several bedrooms you may want to think about turning it into a business by renting out to students which is a great way of bringing in a set amount of money per room rather than renting out to one person. You’ll need to renovate it with fire doors, a second bathroom or updated bedroom furniture but whatever you spend on renovation costs will be more than made up by the end of the first year. If you don’t want to be held responsible for lodgers and can afford to keep your property ticking along whilst you’re gone then you’ll need to appoint a gardener and cleaner to look after it for you or ask neighbours or family members to pop in once a month and check on things.
If you’re still working look into a job transfer if your company is international or sign up with an agency who will look for work for you before you set off as they will know businesses in need of English speaking people and have connections who may know of jobs coming up so you can delay or fast forward your move rather than sitting at home and waiting for something to come up.
Sign up for a course on the new language you’ll need to learn, read as many books as you can and research the culture so you have a head start before you move there. You’ll find it easier to talk to builders, potential employers and neighbours so that your move will be a breeze.
Tina Riding is a housing agent who writes on behalf of liveinlanzarote.com