Home DestinationAsiaJapan Travel Don’t Lag Behind When You Jet Into Japanese Business

Don’t Lag Behind When You Jet Into Japanese Business

by Holiday Yellowpages

Jet lag is notoriously worse when travelling from west to east. Follow these tips to avoid detracting from your business performance when it is most important.

Photo Credit: kh7o

Plan ahead

Although you may not be fully aware of it at the time, jet lag can severely impact on your ability to do your job thoroughly. In fact, some studies suggest that you are up to 20% less effective when crossing time zones. This can even result in falling asleep in meetings, so taking steps to limit its impact is a must.

If you can, the week before you travel should consist of a series of early nights. The aim here is to build up a ‘reserve’ of sleep and hopefully save some lost slumber upon your arrival in Japan. Booking an early flight has benefits too. This means you can arrive in the daytime and try to tire yourself out before turning in at around 10pm, creating optimum opportunity for sleep.

During the flight

You must avoid excessive alcohol intake during the journey as it can lead to dehydration – a key culprit in sleep deprivation. It is also worth staying awake if you can and resisting the urge to nap by moving around. This should make sleep a little easier upon arrival in Japan. Another tip is to set your watch to Japanese time as soon as you board your flight as this prepares you for the time difference in advance.

What about when you arrive?

When arranging meetings with clients, try to fix them for the middle of the day as this is most helpful for your body clock. If you need advice with this there are companies who can help. The middle of the day also gives you the opportunity to be out in the bright sunshine which is proven to decrease the detrimental effects of jet lag.

Exercise and healthy eating from the outset of the journey is a great way to deter jet lag’s impact. As tempting as the cuisine can be it is important to stay away from anything too heavy as well as large amounts of caffeine. Both of these can stop you from sleeping.

It is challenging doing business in another country with a different culture to your own. Support in understanding the etiquette and more is available from specialist companies but it’s also worth following the above advice for the best possible start when dealing in business abroad.

Katie Archer has worked all over the world as a sales director. She is an expert on the emerging strength of Eastern economies and recommends East Asia Business.com for anyone who needs further advice.

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