Home Hotels Reviews 5 Secrets Hotels Don’t Want You To Know

5 Secrets Hotels Don’t Want You To Know

by Holiday Yellowpages

Hotels are a business, and as with any business there are certain things they must provide. While most hotels provide these services, there are often little secrets they try to keep out of the public’s knowledge in order to continue making better business.

Finding out what these little secrets are can end up saving you a lot of trouble and potentially saving money as well, so it’s recommended to check these things out when making the booking for your hotel. A little phone call can go a long way, and a quick search can save you a lot of pain and panic.

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Special Hotline for Reservations

Hotels that have a special hotline to call and make reservations at any hour, usually attached to a 1-800 number often redirect this number to a central headquarters that has set rates for all of their services. This headquarters I s usually in control of bookings for the entire chain of hotels, so individual packages mightn’t be considered, especially if the hotels of the chain are privately owned.

By taking the time to call a hotel directly using their own phone number you can take advantage of package deals and end up saving a lot of money overall.

Look at Independent Hotels for Savings

Independent hotels are often better to use than chain hotels, simply because there’s a personal touch. Chain hotels are regulated by set standards designed by the corporate head, and typically have very little leniency when it comes to giving out dropped rates, discounts, and other packages.

Furthermore if any issues arise an independent hotel is free to act on its own, so there’s no waiting for them to call the headquarters to see what they need to do about it. It can mean quicker and better service for the duration of your stay.

If you’ve had some trouble with the hotel and think you should get a bit of compensation, make sure to be quiet about it. Don’t ask for upgrades while other guests are in earshot or the receptionist is more likely to turn you away. Furthermore more spacious rooms are available without getting an upgrade, and can be found simply by asking for a corner or a handicapped room, since they have much more space to work with.

Don’t Ask Concierge for Best Meals

Often times a concierge at a hotel will get a bonus if they send people toward the more expensive businesses, that make deals with the hotels. If you’re looking for an unbiased opinion on where to go it’s usually better to ask the receptionist, or other hotel staff, since they don’t have the same motivation to send you where the prices are higher.

Hotels provide certain amenities to the patrons, such as soaps and shampoos, that they really don’t expect back. Their logo is printed all across these things, so if you steal them and use them you’re providing them with free advertising. They really don’t mind if you take them, and often throw them out in case they were used. There are things, however, such as sheets and pillows that will be charged to your credit card if they’re taken.

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Travel writer Julian Cross loves to travel with his family as he enjoys different cultures and adventures. He writes for many publications with topics such as how to find hotels in Banff to the best archeological digs in Egypt.

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